Monday, October 20, 2008

kidneys = evil

just a warning... i am going to be whining A LOT throughout the duration of this post.

ok, so here's a quick rundown of the past 3 and a half weeks of my life:

3 weeks ago last sunday, i woke up at about 4:30 in the morning to discover that i had a pretty severe bladder infection. no symptoms beforehand. i took off school, and went to the dr. ($25 co-pay, $8 prescriptions, $6 azo)

the infection didn't go away. stupid me did not go back to the dr. but instead, that saturday, i went and got a massage with carr for his birthday. little did i know, but the infection had moved into my kidneys, and the massage made it worse. in bed all weekend with back pain.

went to school all week, untl thursday afternoon. started feeling really, really bad, and thought that i had the flu. (flu meds $5)

missed school friday, and layed in bed all day, as well as on saturday and sunday. sunday night comes around, and my "flu" is so bad that i get talked into going to care now. ($35 co-pay) at care now, i was told that i might have meningitis and that i have to go to the ER right away. oh yeah, i got a shot and it brusied.

(er co-pay $100, that mom and dad paid... thanks!!) got to the ER, that carr works at by the way, and i didn't have to wait at all, so that was nice... had blood taken, and then finally told that my "flu" was a severe kidney infection all from which had spurred from the previous bladder problem. (er meds $20, and pain meds $10).

went BACK to the dr. for a check up to make sure the infection was going away (it's not by the way, so another co-pay of $25, plus $10 on new meds).

now, it's monday night, and turns out that i am have allergic reactions possibly to the meds, and rashes are popping up all over my body at random places and times. some of which include my eyelids (??), neck, chin, elbows, knees, forearms, and scalp. it itches. bad.

(predicted er bill $240).

total cost to me: $284.

but... there is a silver lining to this fun-filled medical situation... i have lost 6 pounds due to nausea, and loss of appetite!! woo-hoo!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

go cowboys??

so sunday night was super exciting... i spent the evening watching football with carr and kristin.  which is all well and good for the two of them.  they love the cowboys.  me on the other hand... am usually bored to tears by the end of the first quarter.

carr was SHOCKED that i was not totally into whatever was going on.

and kristin was into the game just as much as carr was, but she had no make-up on, and informed me that if she were to end up on my blog, she would kill me.  haha.

love you kristin!!

well, the night was incredibly dull watching football, but i got to hang out with my cousin and boyfriend... not too bad!!

(i think he's more into the game than anything else...)       :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

so it's been a while...

ok, ok, ok... so it's been a little while since i've been on here.  but i've got an excuse!!  my wireless at home is still not up and running, so all of our internet is super, super slow.  so i'm up here at school blogging away because i've heard some complaining.  

so kristin and i have gotten all moved and settled in.  we love the new place!!  it's super cute, and right in the middle of just about anything that we need.

here are a few pics of my room (i decided not to paint the walls, and i am a little disapointed in that decision now).


and here's one of our living room (with out decor up on the walls yet... it's much cuter now)


and the best part of all is how we got all this crap here from ikea in plano... kristin's car wasn't quite big enough!!


and that's about it for now... but i promise these posts will not be so far and in between!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

oh my, my, my...

so, i've been babysitting my mom's dog, oscar, and funny story...

i was on my way to pick him up yesterday at my parents house, and i get a phone call from my mom.  (this is just a little insight into how much this dog is treated like the third child in the family.)

"hey lindsey!!  i didn't want you to forget to pick up oscar, are you at the house??"

"yeah, i'm on my way over there right now."

"ok, well his overnight bag is on the couch by the door."

yes, my mom's dog has an overnight bag.  i thought that was pretty funny.  but anyways, i've had fun with him there at my apartment.  he's gone out for a walk three times, and hasn't pottied outside yet.  he thought that some of kristin's (my cousin and roommate) papers on the floor were his potty pad... she wasn't as amused as carr and i were.  and oh my goodness, does oscar LOVE, LOVE, LOVE carr.  he followed carr around the apartment all day yesterday.  it was super cute.  oh how we all love oscar...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

summer time!!

oh how i am loving, loving, loving summer!!  getting paid to play and shop, (and i wondered where my money was going...), is fabulous.  

i'm a 23 year old, recent graduate of SFA.  i'm pretty much loving life right now!!  i have a fabulous family, the best boyfriend i could ask for, and some of the best friends in the world!!

this is my boyfriend, carr!!  he is pretty much the best guy i could ever ask for.  we've been dating for a couple of months, but it feels like a lot longer (in a good way)!!  as of right now, he's working at trinity medical center up in carrolton in admissions.  we have so much fun going to the lake, movies, watching friends, eating out, and just hanging out doing whatever!!

as of a few weeks ago, i have just finished my first year of teaching.  i'm a first grade teacher at vitovsky elementary in midlothian, texas.  my kiddos were wonderful, and i love the people i work with!! this past year went by so fast, and i learned so much.  i'm excited about next year, but don't want summer to end yet!!

woo-hoo for my first blog, and there will be more to come later!!  :)